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Micro Needling RF​


It’s been all the beauty rage the last few months. In fact, you’ve probably read about Hollywood A-listers who are turning to microneedling RF (short for radiofrequency) treatment as a less invasive Botox or laser alternative for restoring smooth, toned skin.

However, as with any latest beauty trend, misconceptions develop for a variety of reasons, and it’s hard to separate truth from fiction. The skilled dermatologists at Ava MD in Beverly Hills, led by internationally acclaimed Dr. Ava Shamban, can set the record straight about microneedling as well as expertly evaluate whether or not it would be right for you.The conceptual framework for this latest beauty trend has been around for nearly five decades, but only in the last few years has technology caught up. Finally, microneedling RF treatment can deliver anti-aging benefits without pain – and this news is spreading like wildfire.


What to Expect
To make you comfortable, before the procedure, you’ll be given a topical numbing agent for the area to be treated. Then the microneedling device, outfitted with a cluster of needles, delivers several dozen pricks about three millimeters deep into your skin. The device also shoots radiofrequency energy into your skin to treat scars and wrinkles and yield a fuller, more youthful look. Together, the needles and heat energy stimulate your skin into creating new collagen and hyaluronic acid, which help repair tissue and hydrate your skin, respectively. One session is about 20 minutes, and a minimum of three sessions is recommended for optimal results. It’s common, as well, to undergo touch-up procedures to maintain your appearance. Although the microneedling procedure is extremely safe, some mild side effects are to be expected. Many patients report a slightly uncomfortable yet tolerable experience. Redness and swelling around the treated site is not unexpected, either, though both should only be mild. Your face might also feel warm, as if you have a sunburn. For many women, microneedling has been a game-changer. Yet, as with any hot trend, there is still misinformation out there. Read on to find out the truth about microneedling RF treatment for aging.


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