Best Dermatologist in Hyderabad



Acne Scar Removal ​


Our four-step acne treatment procedure is what makes us offer the best acne treatment 
Take a quick look at it.
Step 1 The Skin Doctor extracts all blackheads and whiteheads
Step 2 A Specially Create Acne Peel is then applied
Step 3 Erbium Glass Acne Laser is then used on your skin
Step 4 Post the acne laser treatment, your skin is cleansed, after which sunscreen is applied

Acne scar treatment.
We are a team of expert dermatologists and cosmetologists who start with the basic consultation process that helps us determine the particular skin condition.
Having the best laser treatment for acne scars in Hyderabad, we assess the wounds, structure, type, and pain, if any, and prescribe a customised plan for individual treatment.

Our Treatment Procedure

A treatment procedure that promises you a clear result and no pain.

Extracons of blackheads and whiteheads

  1. Acne peel applicaon
  2. Use of erbium glass acne laser
  3. Cleaning the skin and sunscreen applicaon
Benefits and Results
  • All your pores are unclogged.
  • You no longer have to intake oral medication for acne
  • Your skin is healed from the acne, making you feel more confident
  • Reduced acne-prone redness and inflammations
  • Reduced bacteria growth
  • Reduced production of sebum

Results: Varies greatly from person to person. A course of 6-8 treatments and our tailor-made homecare can give you more than 75% improvement. We usually combine 2-3 different treatments in one session.


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Mon – Fri  09:00 – 19:00

Sat – Sun  10:00-14:00

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